Wednesday, March 28, 2012

A letter to Deb

I was waiting in the parking lot of the school where I have been mentoring some troubled female students when one of the teachers, who is a friend approached me. Cam and I work out together on Friday mornings. We are both women of age who share the same goals, to be fit as we head into forties and maintain a certain fitness level. We also have children the same age and love shoes!

While we were talking we were approached by the woman who runs the mentoring program, she goes by Deb. Well Deb walked up and rolled her eyes when she heard we were talking about a fitness class we were both taking.

“Must be nice to have so much time to work out and be all fit.” She hissed, “Some of us have to work for a living.”

As you can imagine my bitch flag shot up the pole and my eyes narrowed. Cam gently squeezed my arm to ease my attack on the clueless Deb.

Dear Deb:

Yes Deb when I am not eating bon bons and being pampered by my team of hot cabana males, I work out with a personal trainer and eat food prepared by the top chefs. WTF, this is the real world!

Deb I work 50 hours a week, I haul my kids to sports practices and games in season, as well as participate in school events, make all the meals, clean the house, do the laundry, get my social media fix in, craft, read AND work out, then have enough time to blog about your stupidity. It’s called time management and for someone who runs a mentoring program it is something that you should perhaps know a little something about.

Deb reality is that if you want to achieve certain goals you need to learn to manage your time. I needed to make fitness a priority in my life because when I feel good about myself it reflects in everything I do. I work better, I deal with people better, I can keep up with my family’s needs and we eat better. Oh and did I mention I lost forty pounds in a year? That happens when you set goals, you like meeting goals right? You must since it is on every one of your damn emails I have received!

A person who works with troubled youth is the last person on earth that should make a comment based on someone’s first impression, especially when you know nothing about them. Perception is different than reality in 9 out of 10 cases. I am guilty of making rash decisions of people usually based on stupid things that come out of their mouths rather than appearance.

Deb because I was feeling generous  and Cam was holding my arm, I gave you the benefit of the doubt yesterday and hoped that you were just having a bad day and that is why you said what you did. I plan on showing up to my next mentoring session in my work out gear just to make sure though.

Sincerely, Me


  1. You've got the right attitude. Nothing should stand between you and being healthy. If you can't be healthy, then you can't be and give your best. Love the post. Unhealthy people can often have this type of reaction to news of others who maintain fitness and workout and eat a sensible diet. I really think it comes from a place of jealously and depression. But that's really hard to remember. We have what they want.
