Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Taking back my pants!

Life has a funny way of smacking you in the face with a healthy dose of reality every once and a while. It likes to remind you that you are indeed human and shouldn’t be cocky and self assured all the time. That is what happened to me. A year ago I was celebrating a thirty pound weight loss and a change in lifestyle I was happy with, then life happened and I am pretty starting over again!

I gained half that weight back since March. With the Super Bowl at the beginning of the year, our president leaving, health issues and changes at home (good changes but different) I was in a tailspin of self destruction I didn’t even realize I was in. Well it’s time to gain control again.

I know where it all started going south, it was losing my daily routine. For a year I went to the gym every day even if it were only for thirty minutes. Going broke up my work day and when I came back I was energized and focused. I also slept better at night which lately hasn’t been easy, oh Sleep Number how I loathe thee!

Then work started to get crazy and with the old president leaving and transitioning a new president finding that lunch hour gym trip became harder and harder. And then my pants started getting tighter and tighter. I became unhappier, not as energized as and more bitchy than usual, not sure this is really possible but we will go with it! And health issues I hadn’t dealt with returned with a vengeance which also makes me irritable and really dislike my body!

Well things have settled in the office and there are no more excuses for me getting back on track. So starting today back at the gym! I will make one with the treadmill and catch up with Maury. I will track my eating again which is never fun but it needs to be done. I really need to be more mindful of my food allergies and stop ignoring them! I will stop the weeknight cocktails and writing that made me cry a little but it’s all good, it’s for a good cause.  

Other goals, work on starting to run again so I can run some 5K’s in 2013 and train for a half marathon in 2014. I also want to start riding my bike and maybe do a few longer rides.

Yes a lofty set of goals but all doable, I was almost there in some cases a few months ago. So here is to taking back my pants guys!