Before the BIG birthday this year I played around with writing down my bucket list. We all know the road to hell is paved in good intentions, so that along with one hundred other things I said I would do never happened.
First of all, this morning, I really did choke on a burrito. And as pathetic as it sounds it was one of the most terrifying things that has happened to me in a long time. I watched the world spin around me as twelve people stood watching. I think my anger is what saved me. I thought I had to get this piece of egg out of my throat so I can yell at these stupid people for letting someone nearly choke to death. So I threw myself over a chair back and screamed a few profanities before rushing out the door and crying in my car.
Now I have no choice to make a bucket list because I am getting older and I love breakfast burritos eventually age or the burritos will get me! I won’t bore anyone with the entire list just a few highlights.
Get a book published and enjoyed by many. Yes I am working on getting a book published but that doesn’t mean that people will like it!
Write for a sitcom. I like to write. I have crazy ass family and friends to draw material from. Why am I not doing this now? Probably because I am not as humorous as I sometimes think I am. BUT that won’t stop me!
Do a triathlon. I heard once you put that in writing you actually have to do it. I should probably get better at the swimming thing then! I am used to being in a pool on a float with an adult beverage in hand yelling at the kids not to splash me. Been a long time since I swam with the Navy divers! And there is that running thing! And I haven’t ridden a bike in fifteen years. But damn it I am going to do this!
Kick my son in the diaphragm. Yes you read that right. When I was nine months pregnant with the little man he kicked me so hard that it actually tore my muscle and flesh causing a mild hernia, I still have a scar! I swore the day he was born that when his wife was about to give birth to his child, I’d kick him. I am sure this one will be taken off my list eventually for legal reasons.
Get the 1990 cast of Grease back together. I think it would kick ass to do the show again or have a great party since the 25th anniversary of our production is less than three years away.
Lay naked across Ryan Reynolds star on the Hollywood walk of fame. Mr. Reynolds doesn’t currently have a star on the walk. If they gave them out for his ass or abs he would have had one after Blade Trinity. I am not unaware that his acting abilities are limited, I love him for his sarcasm and the physical attributes I mentioned. If he doesn’t ever get a star, I will find Ryan Gosling and tell him the Notebook sucked. Because that is on my list twice to do anyway.
The list goes on and on! I better get started!