So I had several people tell me I should start blogging about the chaos that is my life. I am pretty sure they may all regret that request shortly, but here goes nothing peeps! As my profile says, I am the mom to three kiddos all in sports this season, hold down a full time job, I'm an avid crafter, LOVE to cook and did I mention my hubby works nights? Needless to say my house looks like semi crap(Yes you may see me on Hoarders at some point), I live on my iPhone, I have bleacher butt most nights and my liquor cabinet is always full. It is my life and I am told it works for me and how I deal with it may help others.
I am a firm believer that you can not do it all and do it all well. The idea of balance in the life of a working mom or any mom is out the window, we juggle and we cope, oh hell who am I kidding, we coast and if we are lucky we coast to where we are going and no gets hurt on the ride.
Hey what's a journey with out pit stops? As long as you have family and friend that love you, a great play list, fabulous shoes and cocktails waiting at the end of your destination you can survive anything.