I can't complain too much about 2011. After all I did drop 40 pounds, got fit enough to keep up with my kids, finished P90X, discovered and fell in love with Zumba, started running again, re-discovered my love of fabulous shoes, started cooking from scratch again, crafted myself into a frenzy, connected with some friends I thought I had lost forever, got to spend a wonderful week with my family at the lake this summer, met my niece for the first time, watched my mother do a Jagermeister Bomb on a boat, and concocted some delicious cocktails! What more could a girl in four inch heels ask for?
Who knew it took 39 years to find your stride, but that is what I think I did in 2011. You wake up one day on the shy side of 40 and realize, wow this isn't so bad. Embrace who you are and go with it. So embrace I did and spent 2011 settling into myself, and what do you know, I fit! Okay I admit, I won't settle into gray hair, not quite yet! A girl has to choose her battles, and I give into a five pound weight gain before I go gray!
All kidding aside, put on your best shoes, and raise a glass to say good bye to 2011! I wish you all the best for 2012! What do I have planned for 2012, well that is another blog post my friends!

Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The final days until Christmas
I am about to embark on my last shopping trip of the season and for once I am looking foreword to it! What is not to love? I am childless, my wallet is full and my list is doable in a few hours. This girl has every intention of wiping out her to-do list and park my happy ass in front of the tube with a festive cocktail while watching Christmas movies by 8 pm! Can I get a hell yeah?
Friday we leave for my home town to see my family and hopefully some friends. I am not going to let the drama that usually is my family at the holidays over power the holiday euphoria that I am feeling this year. It is rare that I am this at ease, they best not ruin my Christmas zen, this girl can go from Santa to Grinch lickity split! Watch out!
Since I will not blog until after the holiday, I want to wish all my blog readers the happiest of holidays! May your cups be full and your shoes fabulous!
Friday we leave for my home town to see my family and hopefully some friends. I am not going to let the drama that usually is my family at the holidays over power the holiday euphoria that I am feeling this year. It is rare that I am this at ease, they best not ruin my Christmas zen, this girl can go from Santa to Grinch lickity split! Watch out!
Since I will not blog until after the holiday, I want to wish all my blog readers the happiest of holidays! May your cups be full and your shoes fabulous!
Monday, December 19, 2011
Six shopping/wrapping days until Christmas!
Tis the time to start to panic, fa la la la! If you haven't started shopping yet you will be amungst the millions of Americans that will be gifting the "As Seen on TV" mechandise I loathe along with the pre-packaged gift baskets that have been sitting on retailers shelves since the mid 80's. This is usually when most men consider starting their shopping but we all know they like to make that mad dash Christmas Eve before mid-night shopping at a 24 hour drug store. Since I myself have made a mad dash to Walgreens for missing batteries at 2 am on Christmas, I can't fault them, just mock them! Thank goodness for the gift sections in almost every retailer in America these days! They did this for you last minute shoppers, embrace the gift cards, much better then the cheese of the month club or pajama jeans!
Speaking of last minute, this year will be a little different then in years past and I have to say I am a little sad about it. My tradition has always been that I get up early on Christmas Eve morning, get a coffee and pick up a few last minute stocking stuffers while watching all the last minute panicked shoppers. Last year I saw this old woman take out a man twice her size to get the last flat screen TV at Wal-Mart. There is nothing like an electronics department cage match to get you in the holiday spirit! But alas I will be with my fam in Michigan, that isn't to say there won't be a cage match or two there. My kids will be there and well they always make the holidays a little more interesting.
More interesting then my children's lack self control during the holidays is me and wrapping! I spent my Friday night this week locked in studio B, with my 32 oz cocktail, 6 rolls of wrapping, tape, ribbon and bows trying to get into the holiday spirit by looking over gift piles to make sure we were all even Steven and all the items on the kiddos' lists were there. I learned three things Friday night, #1 I am a pretty good Santa, #2 I suck at wrapping and #3 drinking when you suck at wrapping doesn't make it any better folks, just more entertaining while you do it! Thank goodness for bows and ribbon they can cover almost any wrapping flaw!
Well if you haven't started shopping or wrapping get busy all! There are six days left!
Speaking of last minute, this year will be a little different then in years past and I have to say I am a little sad about it. My tradition has always been that I get up early on Christmas Eve morning, get a coffee and pick up a few last minute stocking stuffers while watching all the last minute panicked shoppers. Last year I saw this old woman take out a man twice her size to get the last flat screen TV at Wal-Mart. There is nothing like an electronics department cage match to get you in the holiday spirit! But alas I will be with my fam in Michigan, that isn't to say there won't be a cage match or two there. My kids will be there and well they always make the holidays a little more interesting.
More interesting then my children's lack self control during the holidays is me and wrapping! I spent my Friday night this week locked in studio B, with my 32 oz cocktail, 6 rolls of wrapping, tape, ribbon and bows trying to get into the holiday spirit by looking over gift piles to make sure we were all even Steven and all the items on the kiddos' lists were there. I learned three things Friday night, #1 I am a pretty good Santa, #2 I suck at wrapping and #3 drinking when you suck at wrapping doesn't make it any better folks, just more entertaining while you do it! Thank goodness for bows and ribbon they can cover almost any wrapping flaw!
Well if you haven't started shopping or wrapping get busy all! There are six days left!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Twelve Days Til Christmas - I need to step away from the cookies!
Okay not only am I eating them but I can't freaking stop baking them! It is like the Keebler Elves and Betty Crocker came in while I was sleeping one night and but it my head that I live to bake. I have now baked six kinds of cookies, two types of Chex mix, and six kinds of candy! Hi my name is Jen and I am a Christmas cookie baking/eating addict!
Okay if the fact that I have been walking around with flour in random places wasn't enough, I stepped on the scale today! YEEP! You four pounds since Thanksgiving. Now not all that is cookies, some of that is because I haven't been able to hit the gym because my work life is hellish right now! But still I'd like to be able to get into my pants when this is all over!
Here are the cold hard holiday facts that we all sweep under the rug like Aunt Ruby's rumless fruit cake, people gain weight over the holidays! I worked all 2011 to drop 40 pounds and and four them found their way back like my thighs were a light house beckoning them home! Those little buggers need to get on out here and go back with their friends!
So the butt stops here, well it stops growing here. Making sure that that gym is on the top of my famous to-do list. Not only does it keep the pounds off during the holidays but working out can cut down your stress levels. Okay it may not cut down on your stress levels if you just started shopping for gifts but it may help you be in better shape to fight off other shoppers that want that last pair of Pajama Jeans. Working out will also keep me out of the kitchen, away from the oven, away from the cookies. But really if you tasted my cookies you would know they are good! Hey everything in moderation!
Okay if the fact that I have been walking around with flour in random places wasn't enough, I stepped on the scale today! YEEP! You four pounds since Thanksgiving. Now not all that is cookies, some of that is because I haven't been able to hit the gym because my work life is hellish right now! But still I'd like to be able to get into my pants when this is all over!
Here are the cold hard holiday facts that we all sweep under the rug like Aunt Ruby's rumless fruit cake, people gain weight over the holidays! I worked all 2011 to drop 40 pounds and and four them found their way back like my thighs were a light house beckoning them home! Those little buggers need to get on out here and go back with their friends!
So the butt stops here, well it stops growing here. Making sure that that gym is on the top of my famous to-do list. Not only does it keep the pounds off during the holidays but working out can cut down your stress levels. Okay it may not cut down on your stress levels if you just started shopping for gifts but it may help you be in better shape to fight off other shoppers that want that last pair of Pajama Jeans. Working out will also keep me out of the kitchen, away from the oven, away from the cookies. But really if you tasted my cookies you would know they are good! Hey everything in moderation!
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Surving the holidays Part 2 - How to avoid your Grinchy side in three easy steps
So there I was yesterday neck deep in work, my door closed with me cursing on the other side when a co-worker came in and asked "how was your day off? Did we bother you too much yesterday?" I guess the fact the door was closed and the F bomb was flying out of my mouth like confetti at a Katy Perry concert wasn't a clue that I didn't really want to talk just then. At the time I thought I was justified with my answer "do you really want me to answer the second part of your question right now?" Now I am feeling a little guilty.
I realized that I let those year end deadlines bite me in the ass and cause that little green beast that lurks in all of us this time of year rear it's ugly head. Let's face the facts this time of the year is stressful for everyone. We can all pretend it is all candy canes and egg nog but the reality is it's year end deadlines at work, kids having sports, school concerts, need money for all the charities and parties they have at school, work holiday parties, family functions (and dysfunctions), and the mile long to do list that just seems to get longer!
I let all those daunting things bring out my inner Grinch but after a few cups of hot tea herbal tea, a cocktail and a good night sleep I am back to the candy cane and egg nog vibe with my Grinch meter on watch out pal! I refuse to let the insanity of this time of year take away from the magic that is this time of the year. Okay that may be just a facade I wear while secretly I spike my nog and trade my candy cane for peppermint schnapps but hey we all have to do our part to keep the "Merry" in Christmas. I kid of course!
But there are a few things we can all do to keep our holiday Chi running high with out hitting the bottle. #1 Don't forget to breath! When you feel that stress begin to escalate take a deep breath before going off half cocked! Flying off the handle on a normal day doesn't do anyone any good but during the holidays it just makes you look like Scrooge meets Bobby Knight.
#2 Know our limitations and prioritize. I sat down and looked at the rest of the month as far as a deadline and functions stand point and worked out a schedule that was reasonable. YES I even changed some deadlines at work presented it to those co-workers that were involved and they all excepted the changes. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask. I also let coaches know that the kids would miss some practices, changed some holiday plans with friends and family and they were all okay with it too.
#3 Remember that the holidays meant to be enjoyed. When we turn them into something that we "have to do" instead of something we cherish it loses it's magic.
I realized that I let those year end deadlines bite me in the ass and cause that little green beast that lurks in all of us this time of year rear it's ugly head. Let's face the facts this time of the year is stressful for everyone. We can all pretend it is all candy canes and egg nog but the reality is it's year end deadlines at work, kids having sports, school concerts, need money for all the charities and parties they have at school, work holiday parties, family functions (and dysfunctions), and the mile long to do list that just seems to get longer!
I let all those daunting things bring out my inner Grinch but after a few cups of hot tea herbal tea, a cocktail and a good night sleep I am back to the candy cane and egg nog vibe with my Grinch meter on watch out pal! I refuse to let the insanity of this time of year take away from the magic that is this time of the year. Okay that may be just a facade I wear while secretly I spike my nog and trade my candy cane for peppermint schnapps but hey we all have to do our part to keep the "Merry" in Christmas. I kid of course!
But there are a few things we can all do to keep our holiday Chi running high with out hitting the bottle. #1 Don't forget to breath! When you feel that stress begin to escalate take a deep breath before going off half cocked! Flying off the handle on a normal day doesn't do anyone any good but during the holidays it just makes you look like Scrooge meets Bobby Knight.
#2 Know our limitations and prioritize. I sat down and looked at the rest of the month as far as a deadline and functions stand point and worked out a schedule that was reasonable. YES I even changed some deadlines at work presented it to those co-workers that were involved and they all excepted the changes. Sometimes it doesn't hurt to ask. I also let coaches know that the kids would miss some practices, changed some holiday plans with friends and family and they were all okay with it too.
#3 Remember that the holidays meant to be enjoyed. When we turn them into something that we "have to do" instead of something we cherish it loses it's magic.
Friday, December 2, 2011
Twenty Three days til Christmas - Let the holiday melt down begin!
Nothing like the advent calendar on the fridge to smack you in the face with reality first thing in the morning. And here I thought I was ahead of the game with my decorating done and my shopping almost done. No Christmas cards, no baking done, no wrapping done and I still haven't committed to plans with friends and family. Add that stress on top of all the deadlines at work and planning the holiday party, this girl could use a drink and it was only 5:10 am!
Thank goodness for lists! Yes lists maybe the first sign you may have OCD but they make this gal's life easier! I actually get a little tingly when I mark things completed which I am sure is another sign of OCD but I am okay with that! So today while I am having cocktails with a friend I will be making my lists and checking them twice, depending on the cocktails I may have to check them a few times. ;-)
Thank goodness for lists! Yes lists maybe the first sign you may have OCD but they make this gal's life easier! I actually get a little tingly when I mark things completed which I am sure is another sign of OCD but I am okay with that! So today while I am having cocktails with a friend I will be making my lists and checking them twice, depending on the cocktails I may have to check them a few times. ;-)
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Let the insanity begin!
So I had several people tell me I should start blogging about the chaos that is my life. I am pretty sure they may all regret that request shortly, but here goes nothing peeps! As my profile says, I am the mom to three kiddos all in sports this season, hold down a full time job, I'm an avid crafter, LOVE to cook and did I mention my hubby works nights? Needless to say my house looks like semi crap(Yes you may see me on Hoarders at some point), I live on my iPhone, I have bleacher butt most nights and my liquor cabinet is always full. It is my life and I am told it works for me and how I deal with it may help others.
I am a firm believer that you can not do it all and do it all well. The idea of balance in the life of a working mom or any mom is out the window, we juggle and we cope, oh hell who am I kidding, we coast and if we are lucky we coast to where we are going and no gets hurt on the ride.
Hey what's a journey with out pit stops? As long as you have family and friend that love you, a great play list, fabulous shoes and cocktails waiting at the end of your destination you can survive anything.
I am a firm believer that you can not do it all and do it all well. The idea of balance in the life of a working mom or any mom is out the window, we juggle and we cope, oh hell who am I kidding, we coast and if we are lucky we coast to where we are going and no gets hurt on the ride.
Hey what's a journey with out pit stops? As long as you have family and friend that love you, a great play list, fabulous shoes and cocktails waiting at the end of your destination you can survive anything.
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